In this activity we tested various liquids to see if they contained any poisons.
Poison- A substance that, when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism, causes death or injury, esp. one that kills by rapid action.
Common poison sources:
Carbon monoxide which is a deadly gas which is odorless.
Food poisoning which is caused by bacteria in foods.
Household products are poisonous if eaten or drunk.
Lead in paint is dangerous
Carbon monoxide which is a deadly gas which is odorless.
Food poisoning which is caused by bacteria in foods.
Household products are poisonous if eaten or drunk.
Lead in paint is dangerous
How do crimes labs handle poison cases?
They are taken to forensic toxicologists who then analyze biological specimens and then determine what substances were ingested, along with the amount of it.
What are some signs of poisoning?
They are taken to forensic toxicologists who then analyze biological specimens and then determine what substances were ingested, along with the amount of it.
What are some signs of poisoning?
- enlarge the pupils
- excessive drooling or dry in the mouth and skin.
- Some speed the heart, while others slow the heart.
- Some increase the breathing rate, while others slow it.
- Some cause pain, while others are painless.
- Some cause hyperactivity, while others cause drowsiness.
Very nice I like how some of your information is bulleted and some are just in sentences. It draws the reader's attention and the picture you have is very nice.